Representations of Mythological and Historical Women in Literature PDF İndir

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Representations of Mythological and Historical Women in Literature PDF Kitap Bilgisi

The current book concerns the representations of marginal mythological and historical women under the light of feminism and gender theory from different genres of Western Literature especially English Literature. There is a variety of different genres in this book such as novels, fairy tales, plays, and poetry written by distinguished scholars discussing the representations of women coming from a distant past to change their plight and reinterpret them from a feminist perspective by abolishing all the established orders of the patriarchal power. The book tackles and problematizes how mythological and historical women are represented, their images, their status and suppression, marginal lives of women creating an alternative lifestyle in contrast to the patriarchal dominant order. Women’s issues coming back from mythology and history recurrently appear in contemporary literature by building a bridge between the past and the present. By restructuring female images in any literary text, writers subvert the traditional images of the mythic women. The scholars in each part give voice(s) to the marginalized feminine identities coming from the history and mythology by discussing their representations in contemporary Western literature.

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Representations of Mythological and Historical Women in Literature Kitabını İndirebilmek için sadece 90 saniye beklemeniz gerekmektedir.

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