Jesus and Muhammad as Charismatic Leaders: A Muslim Perspective PDF İndir

Jesus and Muhammad as Charismatic Leaders: A Muslim Perspective kitabını adresinden PDF formatında indirebilirsiniz. Jesus and Muhammad as Charismatic Leaders: A Muslim Perspective kitabının yayın dili türkçe olarak basılmamış olabilir. Lütfen online okuyabilmek için PDF dışındaki diğer formatlarıda indirmeyi deneyiniz.

Jesus and Muhammad as Charismatic Leaders: A Muslim Perspective PDF Kitap Bilgisi

Both Jesus and Muhammad had their differences in terms of their personalities, social, religious, geographical, economic conditions, and backgrounds yet each was called to a prophetic mission by the same Divine Being and their acts conformed to the ideal-type, charisma, and charismatic leader in the terminology of Weber.

Görener not only expounds the prophetic leadership of both Jesus and Muhammad from a sociological point of view in reference to Weber’s definitions of the terms ideal type and charismatic leadership, but also compares the prophetic roles of Jesus and Muhammad and the impact of their charismatic leadership within their distinctive social settings. Further, this study should be considered as the first attempt to compare Jesus and Muhammad from a Weberian perspective.

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Jesus and Muhammad as Charismatic Leaders: A Muslim Perspective Kitabını İndirebilmek için sadece 90 saniye beklemeniz gerekmektedir.

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