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Current Research and Compilations in Sports Sciences PDF Kitap Bilgisi

Editörler: Prof. Dr. Belgin Gökyürek, Assist Prof. Dr. Özge Baydar Arıcan, Assist Prof. Dr. Didem Gülçin Kaya
Belgin Gökyürek ,Özge Baydar Arıcan, Didem Gülçin Kaya, Ülfet Yavuz, Musab Çağın, Zeren Özkurt, Özlem Orhan, Ecem Türkmen, Hilal Şöhret, Sevilcan Yavuz, Yaşar İsmail Gülünay, Aleyna Habibe Demir, Tebessüm Ayyıldız Durhan
Sports is not just a field that deals with sports branches, athletes, or coaches. Sport; is a multidisciplinary field that interacts with many fields, especially health, education, and psycho-social fields. In this context, the book presents research and compilations that have been the subject of research in the field of sports by maintaining their current status, whose popularity has increased recently, and which have contributed to the literature for the first time. The aim is to guide sports scientists who have turned to the field and to be a guide for future studies, especially compilation studies. Within the aforementioned framework, it aims to highlight different aspects of sports with a different subject in each book chapter and to reveal detailed information about practical applications. We would like to thank all sports scientists and the publishing house board who contributed to the preparation of this book, and we hope that it will contribute to the field of sports sciences.

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Current Research and Compilations in Sports Sciences Kitabını İndirebilmek için sadece 90 saniye beklemeniz gerekmektedir.

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